Contact Us

Hotline: 0512-52970922 / 0512-87819093
Fax: 0512-52970929
Address: No. 2, Haixin Road, Haiyu Town, Changshu City, Jiangsu Province

Other Contacts

Personnel: Mr Xu 0512-87819093 ext. 3, 0512-52970922 ext. 8001
Sales: Manager Chen 19916769109

Online Message

Quick Contact

Adverse drug reaction feedback Hotline: 0512-52970920
Preparation Division: Manager Chen 19916769109
API Division: Manager Xu 15281069885
Sales business consultation: Manager Chen 19916769109

Scanning Code


Wechat official account

The Little Red Book


WeChat official account

The Little Red Book

Quick Contact

Adverse drug reaction feedback Hotline: 0512-52970920
Preparation Division: Manager Chen 19916769109
API Division: Manager Xu 15281069885
Sales business consultation: Manager Chen 19916769109

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© Copyright 2024 Suzhou No.4 Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd

苏ICP备2022015841号-1   技术支持:苏州网站建设