Public News


2022 Changshu vocational skills (chief chemical controller) competition

Good news! On August 27, 2022, 10 people from Suzhou No.4 Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd. participated in the Suzhou "Wudi craftsman" vocational skills series competition - Changshu vocational skills (chief chemical controller) activity in 2022. Currently, 8 people have passed the competition assessment and recently obtained the chief chemical controller (Level 3 / Senior) issued by Changshu technical school. Lu Zhou and lvyiyou stood out in the competition and won the second prize in the competition.

In the future, the company will also actively organize employees to participate in various vocational skills competitions to improve their vocational skills.

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Adverse drug reaction feedback Hotline: 0512-52970920
Preparation Division: Manager Chen 19916769109
API Division: Manager Xu 15281069885
Sales business consultation: Manager Chen 19916769109

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The Little Red Book


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The Little Red Book

Quick Contact

Adverse drug reaction feedback Hotline: 0512-52970920
Preparation Division: Manager Chen 19916769109
API Division: Manager Xu 15281069885
Sales business consultation: Manager Chen 19916769109

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